Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Moms Using Pilates Exercise Videos For Great Results

Moms are constantly thinking about everybody but themselves, however doing Pilates using exercise videos each day is a wise investment in good health. Pilates can help people get fit and become quite strong even if they have a history of injuries that have limited them in the past. Additionally, with summer quickly coming, everybody is preoccupied with how they will look by the pool in a swimsuit. Some women don’t even feel comfortable wearing shorts or tank tops at all this year. It is just a shame to lose out on special times with family and friends just because you feel uncomfortable about your body. Here’s the good news: There is still time for weight loss and getting fit prior to summer

Why Pilates?

Pilates is a system of exercise that initially was developed with people like you who desired lean, long muscles in mind. The developer of Pilates (Joseph Pilates) believed that a full body workout should start from a strong core (your abs, back and butt) and by having a strong center, you entire body benefited. Many women, certainly mothers who gave birth by Cesearean section, possess a challenge with this area of the body. Pilates instructors always recommend starting slow and are constantly encouraging participants to “take it at your own pace”. So don’t worry if you cannot do an entire workout video on your first day – maybe start with five or ten minutes and then work up to more when you are feeling stronger.

What is the Best Part of Practicing Pilates?

Besides the fact that it is a low impact workout that doesn’t stress the joints and still gives you a great workout, Pilates can also be done anywhere because it doesn’t require expensive equipment. What other form of exercise can say that? Heck, even if you go walking you need sneakers! And since it is not a cardiovascular workout, you probably won’t even sweat that much – yes that means you could even do it on your lunch break in your office or at your desk.

As with ever exercise video, doing the moves correctly are essential if you want results without injuries. Click here for a free exercise video that shows you how to do it effectively and safely.

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