Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Get the most out of your Yoga Exercise Videos

Anyone of any age can do yoga exercise videos. They're perfect for adults and children alike! While yoga is a great exercise for everyone, there are some ways you can make yoga even more effective in keeping your body young and healthy feeling. Click here for a free yoga exercise video teaching the Warrior Pose.

Children under the age of twelve and adults over the age of sixty should do yoga for shorter periods of time than a middle aged or younger adult would. Practice yoga for a minimum of fifteen minutes every day for the best results. If you really want to max out the benefits yoga has for your body, practice yoga at least thirty to forty five minutes each day. Avoid doing yoga for over an hour at a time to avoid straining the body and mind too hard. If you find that you're tiring out quickly but would like to practice yoga for a greater duration of time, do short bursts of workout videos throughout the day.

Yoga is best done during the morning, as it will give you a boost of energy that will help get you through your day. Yoga, however, can be done at any time during the day and in the comfort of your own home. Make sure you're doing yoga on an empty stomach. Wait at least 3-4 hours after a big meal, but you can wait about one or two hours if you've simply had a light breakfast or small snack. Sip water and avoid chugging it. Make sure you have lots of space to do each yoga pose, and doing yoga outside is a great way to get some fresh air. Yoga exercise videos can be done on a special yoga mat or you can simply lay a thick blanket on the floor. Don't do yoga on hard floors! Regular yoga will help you feel and look great every day!